
building models for class today

DC style

The men in DC are quite dapper. Although the following are not in dc they have a similar aesthetic. Wouldn't mind any of these pieces below..

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musings 01.11'.6

I'm off to DC this weekend for a client/friend and I also get to see my old roomie from college! Have a safe weekend!

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work. werk.

monday morning

what do I wear?

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diffa table

The DIFFA (design industries foundation fighting aids) dining table that I worked on is in the latest issue of CS Interiors now.  Yay!

a little something i have been working on

My very own official little studio.  I have amassed quite a few clients and I figured the time has come for me to take a leap. A really big leap and start doing this thing.  I have such a great network of friends and family that have been pushing for me to do this for a very long time.  I am still waiting for llc and interior design license from illinois but I should be up and running shortly. 

prada, marfa

prada, marfa

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